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Monday, November 14, 2011

The Planet We Call Earth

An inspiring video of the earth from 240 miles above it.

C. S. Lewis

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."

— C. S. Lewis
Irish Writer
1898 - 1963

When we stop dreaming, we start dying.  Life is about discovering our dreams and embarking on a journey to achieve them.  Colonel Harlan Sanders was 65 when he began his journey to build the fast food restaurant chain, Kentucky Fried Chicken.  Immanuel Kant wrote one of his best philosophical works at the age of 74.  Grandma Moses picked up a paintbrush at age 76 and painted over a thousand paintings during the next 25 years.  Jessica Tandy won an Oscar at age 80 for her role in Driving Miss Daisy.  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe finished Faust at 81.  Henry Roth published his first novel when he was 28 and his second when he was 89.

What dreams have you given up on?  What dreams have you not yet dreamed?  Is it time to set another goal?

(Quote source:  Goodreads. com)