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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Beverly Pepper

Split Ritual II
"I feel that one has to have a bit of neurosis to go on being an artist.  A balanced human seldom produces art.  It's the imbalance which impels us . . . . The artist lives with anxiety."

American Sculptor
1922 - 

Do you have a bit of a neurosis?  Do you sometimes feel off balanced?  Do you live with anxiety?  Then maybe you are an artist.  Or just maybe you are a human being.  I don't know any normal humans.  Most are slightly off kilter — off balance.  And that is okay.  Our neurosis fuels our creativity.  Our anxiety helps us produce our art.  It is okay to be strange and weird — to see the world differently then everyone else, to feel slightly off balance.  Be happy you are you.  Enjoy your point of view.